Ah, The New Home Smell.
Compared to those who don't use a Realtor®, you pay less money to buy a great home, get more upgrades and enjoy the process.
Even Better:
You can get get our services for free.
To get our services with no cost to you, you must register with us on your first visit with the builder. If you do not register with us on your first visit to the builder, you may end up paying for your agent’s commission. Some builders are clear on these rules despite what their sales people say when you meet them. Most builders have language written in their contracts that state that promises made by their sales representatives are not binding. Keep in mind that sales representatives have their own interests, the builder does not represent your interests and, although real estate agents have their own interests as well, we are bound by fiduciary responsibility when we represent your interests and, what should make the decision easy for you is that our commissions are paid by the builder. In other words, by following a few simple rules, you get our services at no cost to you. Buyers who have an agent on their side usually do much better than those who don’t have representation. Sales people know this. Builders know this. It is important for you to know it too.
Your Dream Home
Build it your way. Over 200 builders to pick from.
We help you shop for the best deals.
Benefits of New Construction
It's not just about that wonderful new home smell. From better and more efficient materials to customizing the home to your taste, buying new construction has numerous benefits.
We help you buy a great home at a fair price in a location that is right for you.
We review your contract, stay tuned to the schedule, protect your interests, negotiate your price and upgrades, oversee inspections, discuss restrictions, review your warranty and more.
Never forget this: the sales person works for the builder. What they promise you can dissipate into thin air. We can help you do a great job at no extra cost to you.
Financing Alternatives
Is the builder's lender the best choice for you? What are the pros and cons of each lender?
We show you alternatives and help you improve your deal.
Team of Experts
Keeping it honest: Ask the right questions, consult the right people and thrive.
Reputable builders work well and, in our experience, are quick to do right by our clients. Being connected to a network of competent experts is part of ensuring everyone is doing their part as promised.